Saturn’s Ocean Moon Enceladus Is Able To Support Life | Discover Magazine
AI server down
A Moon Railroad Is Actually Being Planned, All We Know About The Lunar Express | GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT
The Moon Is Getting Plants In Just A Few Years | GIANT FREAKIN ROBOT
I am trying to backup the wordpress based server for my game open space.
I use Total Upkeep on another site so I tried that.
There was a fatal error when trying to activate it.
I tried the most highly rated plugin Updraft Plus. It has an error during backup that I don’t know how to solve.
I tried Duplicator. You have to upgrade to pro to have scheduled or off site backups.
I signed up for Jetpack backup.
Wordpress 6.5 is out, it looks good so far.
Cell Fluids – Blender Market
I wonder if this will work with Swift Scenekit. There’s a video about exporting to Unity and Unreal engine. Only costs $20, and can be used comnercially I guess. I should buy it.
New Version of Open Space for iOS and Mac available on TestFlight.
Link to download:
You can explore for minerals on The Moon and Mars.
You can create 3d objects in a replicator in your sphere on the moon.
You can choose a username.
You can reset your username
You can choose to name your sphere.
There is a limit now of 20 spheres.
Placeholders for cash and energy.
Added blog to About tab
You can log in using Google as well as Apple now.